7 Ideas to Promote Your New Fiction eBook with Zero Budget

What’s the best way to get the word out about your new fiction ebook? That’s the million-dollar question. It’s easy to throw money at the problem, but what if you don’t have any? You can still get the word out…

How to Sell More Books During the Holidays

The holiday season is one that most authors look forward to all year. Not only do sales tend to spike, but the majority of consumers spend more than they would otherwise, allowing many authors to sell more books during the…

Why Should You Have an eBook Version?

If you’re a long-time author who started during the times when bookstores were the only source of books, then you may want to re-analyze the current market. There’s always an ongoing battle between print and digital and as far as…

5 Free Thriller eBooks to Enjoy During the Covid-19 Lockdown

Are you working from your home? Feeling completely bored and out of mind with nothing interesting to do? Well, why limit your mind when you can engage in some suspenseful thriller books. The best part is that all of these…

Do Free eBooks Deals Really Work for Promotions?

As a part of their promotional strategy, many authors introduce free ebook deals for a limited period. During a specific duration, the authors make their ebooks available for free and then promote it vigorously to increase its downloads. While some…