Lakshmi Padmanaban
96 Articles3 Comments

Using Book Reviews for Promotions: A Super-Easy Way to Supplement Your Marketing Strategy

If you want to sell more books, then you need to promote them. This doesn’t just mean putting out a press release or using the same old techniques and hoping people will see it. It means leveraging every resource at…

AllAuthor’s New Book Alerts – An Iconic Feature to Include in Your Book Launch Marketing Strategy

Today, there’s intense competition in almost every area of life. Everyone is trying to stand out from the crowd. Authors are no exception. The main secret to a successful book launch is marketing. You can’t publish a book without marketing…

How Can You Use the ‘Ask Me Anything’ Feature on AllAuthor?

I’m sure you’ve heard from every book publisher or book marketing expert that you should stay active online and regularly converse with your readers, but do you know why? Author-reader interaction helps build a better relationship between authors and readers…

How to Create Unlimited 3D Book Mockups with AllAuthor’s Magic Tool?

Have you ever found yourself trying hard to come up with a new marketing idea? We all know that marketing is a crucial part of book marketing and authors are expected to market their books far and wide if they…

5 Mistakes Authors Make That Hurt Their Book Sales

Writing a book is difficult. It takes time, stamina and patience. The last thing an author needs is to make it more difficult for themselves by making mistakes that make their book less likely to sell. So, let’s look at…

How to Sell More Books During the Holidays

The holiday season is one that most authors look forward to all year. Not only do sales tend to spike, but the majority of consumers spend more than they would otherwise, allowing many authors to sell more books during the…

How Book Awards Can Help Build Author Credibility

The world of publishing is changing, opening doors to new writers that once were closed. With the advent of ebooks, self-publishing and print on demand companies, authors no longer need a big imprint behind them to get the word out…

Running Out of Ideas to Promote Your Books? Here are 5 Ideas for You

Have you ever been at a loss for ideas of how to promote your books? We know how it is. We don’t always have the brilliant ideas to promote our books all the time. So when you find yourself short…

DIY Book Marketing – A 5-Step Process to Boost Your Book Sales

You’ve got a great idea for a book that solves a problem, creates an opportunity, or appeals to an audience you know will want it. You’ve hired a book designer and a book editor. You’re ready to publish your book—but…

Featured Books on AllAuthor — A Sure-Shot Way for Lasting Book Visibility

In today’s world, when everything is instant, visibility is crucial. And let’s face it, you can promote your book in so many ways!  But the big question is, “How do I get people to notice my book and make an…