4 Different Mediums to Really Engage with Your Readers

Engaging with your readers is one of the crucial tasks of every author’s journey. Loyal readers are silent observers and they will give the outside insights into the response of your books. Who knows, you may even be surprised at…

Author Branding: Why Is It Important and How Does AllAuthor Help With It?

Every author needs to make their own author brand. Some even say that author branding is more important than their own book. This is one area where authors fail to give its due importance and recognize it when it’s late.…

4 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Author Platform

Every author needs a platform where they can lead their fans and prospective readers and increase their conversions. An author platform should have all the information about the author books, their journey and a direct link where they can make…

New Book Publishing Predictions for The Year 2019 – Things to Put on Your New Year Resolution

How many of you have stuck through your 2018 resolutions? A great hats off to all those authors who have! As we enter the New Year 2019, many of us have this habit of making New Year resolutions. Though it…

How Can You Get Your Author Bio Right?

Author bio is an important part of your profile to get the audience interested in your books. Especially when you are in the initial stages of establishing yourself in the industry as an accomplished author, people tend to check out…

Author Marketing: How Can You Build Your Email List

If there is one way for authors to market their book with high conversions, their email list will be the first option. Having a good set of responsive and loyal subscribers can help in making easy sales with just a…

What Should An Author Profile Contain?

How many times have you stumbled upon a book by an author unknown to you and had hunted online to know more about the author before you buy the book?  Well, when your to-be readers are doing the same thing,…

Designing Book Covers for Self-Published Books: Do-It-Yourself Or Hire An Expert?

Though we say, ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, we actually do it often than we care. Book covers give a glimpse into the book. It has the ability to make a person to look twice at the book. Believe…