7 Book Marketing That Authors Make on Social Media

As an author, you know the importance of marketing your book. Whether you’re self-published or traditionally published, there are several different ways that you can promote your book. One of these is through social media. However, many authors don’t know…

5 Pillars of Successful Fiction Book Marketing

It’s hard to get lots of people to notice what you’re writing. There are so many authors and books that it becomes overwhelming for us. This can make the concept of marketing bizarre. There are a lot of tips and…

Make Readers a Part of Your Book Marketing

You’ve worked hard on your book, and now you’re ready to share it with the world. You want people to discover your masterpiece and be deeply moved by it. But how do you get them to notice it among millions…

8 Book Marketing Ideas to Sell More During the Holidays

The holiday season is the busiest time of year. People are out shopping, they’re in a good mood, and they’re looking for gifts to buy their loved ones. For authors, this is a prime opportunity to get your books in…

5 Simple Book Marketing Tips for First-Time Fiction Authors

Writing a novel is no easy feat, but there’s still a lot more to do once that work is done. As a first-time fiction author, how will you get the word out? What do you need to know to market…

Publishing & Marketing Your Fiction Novel? You’re Not Alone!

Writing a fiction novel is hard. We get it. Many authors started the difficult journey to becoming published authors because we love to write and have stories that need to be told. But the path isn’t always easy, and it…

AllAuthor’s New Book Alerts – An Iconic Feature to Include in Your Book Launch Marketing Strategy

Today, there’s intense competition in almost every area of life. Everyone is trying to stand out from the crowd. Authors are no exception. The main secret to a successful book launch is marketing. You can’t publish a book without marketing…

5 Mistakes Authors Make That Hurt Their Book Sales

Writing a book is difficult. It takes time, stamina and patience. The last thing an author needs is to make it more difficult for themselves by making mistakes that make their book less likely to sell. So, let’s look at…

How to Sell More Books During the Holidays

The holiday season is one that most authors look forward to all year. Not only do sales tend to spike, but the majority of consumers spend more than they would otherwise, allowing many authors to sell more books during the…

Running Out of Ideas to Promote Your Books? Here are 5 Ideas for You

Have you ever been at a loss for ideas of how to promote your books? We know how it is. We don’t always have the brilliant ideas to promote our books all the time. So when you find yourself short…