Have you ever wondered if there is a way to boost your book sales so you can live the dream of quitting your day job and becoming a full-time author?
Do you know how to successfully invest your book sales into a business that will last for years to come?
There are a lot of options when it comes to investing in your book sales. One of the common places is the online medium.
More and more authors are turning to digital platforms to sell their books. This has opened a door of opportunity that was not available even a few years ago.
If you’re looking for a way to build your business online, this is the guide you need. It will take you step by step through the process of building a book marketing machine that will attract hundreds of readers to buy your books continuously.
Understand the Difference Between Investing and Spending
Book sales are one of the most essential parts of writing, and they generate income for you. However, if you’ve been spending all of your money on your books instead of investing it, then you may be missing out on opportunities to grow your income and increase your net worth.
The difference between investing and spending on your book sales is vast. Investing takes time and effort. It may not pay off immediately, but it could make a much greater return on your investment than you ever imagined.
Conversely, spending on your book sales is quick and easy; it may lead to satisfaction and financial gain for a short time but may not necessarily lead to long-term results. How do you know when it’s the right time to invest or spend for your book sales?
Analyze the purpose of the money you’re spending.
Investment means you’re putting money into something with the expectation that it will appreciate over time. Spending means you’re paying for something that will depreciate over time.
When you spend money on temporary promotions that don’t last for a long time, then it’s spending. But by investing a part of your earnings into long-term marketing, you’ll be able to reach a larger audience and generate more sales.
How Should You Invest to Improve Your Book Marketing?
The most successful authors focus on one area of the market and then branch out from there. Some authors can get by with just one book a year, while others can generate thousands of dollars in revenue annually through direct sales.
The investment you make in book marketing will depend on several factors like:
- Where you publish your book (physical or digital),
- The price at which you sell your book,
- How much marketing support you receive from vendors (including distributors), and
- How much time you spend promoting your book.
Based on your book details, you can decide on the best platforms to invest in for your book marketing.
The Best Places to Invest to Maximize Your Book Sales
There are literally thousands of places to invest in book marketing. You could start with your blog, podcast, or other online video content. You could try your hand at guest blogging, which has grown in popularity in recent years.
You could even create an e-book or online course about your book topic and sell it on your own website. The key is to know what type of marketing works best for you.
And one of the best places to invest in improving book sales is on social media. Social media has changed the way authors, publishers and readers interact. Today, authors can engage directly with readers through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and it’s time to make the most of it.
We aren’t here to tell you about that one great platform you need to invest in. It’s totally up to you to pick a few of the book marketing tactics based on your audience, the time you can afford for marketing and make the right choice.
Where Should You Not Invest in Book Marketing?
There are certain marketing tactics that authors shouldn’t invest in. For example, paying for Amazon reviews. Even if your book gets positive reviews, they might not convert. And it’s also against Amazon policy and, if caught, can lead to serious consequences.
If you’re short on funds and you’re spending it all on Facebook ads, there’s a good chance you’re spending money in the wrong place. This isn’t meant to scare you off marketing your book, because there are plenty of ways to get great results with minimal effort. It’s important to be aware of the pitfalls so you can avoid them.
If you’re looking for affordable ways to market your books and invest your money in the right place, then check out AllAuthor’s Pro-Membership program. Costing just $59 for 6 months, it includes a host of simple tools for social media promotions that will greatly reduce the time you spend on marketing and improve the quality of your marketing materials too.